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“I know! And I paid ten cents for you. Now, who will give me my money back?”
“But why did you buy me? You bought me to make a drum from my skin! A drum!
“Yes, I did! And now where will I find another skin?”
“Don't worry. There are many other donkeys in the world.”
“Is that the end of your story?”
“One more thing,” answered the puppet. “After buying me, you brought me here to kill me. But feeling sorry for me, you tied a stone to my neck and threw me to the bottom of the sea. That was very good of you to want me to suffer as little as possible, and I'll always be grateful. And now my fairy will take care of me, even if you—”
“Your fairy? Who is she?”
“She's my mother. And like all clairvoyant fairies—and mothers who love their children—she never loses sight of me. And today this good fairy of mine, this fairy filled with maternal love, as soon as she saw me in danger of drowning, sent a thousand carnivorous fish to me. They thought I was really a dead donkey and began to eat me. Some ate my ears, others my nose, and others my neck, my mane, my legs, my back, and my tail.” When they finished eating my hide and muscle, they came to my bones—or rather, to the wood. After the first few bites, they found that the wood was too hard to eat. They turned and swam away. And that's my whole story.”
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